From Drone Zero To Drone Hero


In this 40 page eBook we give you 37 tips to get you flying like a filmmaker! With 8 years of aerial expertise under our belts and over 500 commercial flights, learn from our experience (and mistakes!).

DJI Drone Comparison Chart

This handy chart compares the facts and figures of DJI's consumer drones helping you figure out your needs from your wants and where to spend your hard-earned cash.

Video Editing Software Guide

This 20 page eBook breaks down the various functions video editing software can perform. Armed with this information, you can make an informed decision as to what you need and want from your software. Now you'll know whether you need to spend $300 on Final Cut Pro X or whether a free alternative more than meets your needs.

The Creator's Cheat Sheet

Why does some footage look cinematic and some doesn't? This 3 page guide outlines the 10 steps cinematographers use to craft professional looking footage. Whether you are using a $50k camera or a $500 phone, this framework will transform the way you create your footage!

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